Friday, April 3, 2009

Sweety and Our First 'I love you'

"Casey! Casey!" Sweety called in an urgent whisper as I was clunking down the stairs. "Get 40 rupees! hurry!" I made my way back up the stairs and got the rupees and then snuck outside to pay the ice cream man so that Sweety and I could have our secret evening treat that we would have to consume by the light of "Radika", our favorite Hindi soap opera. We sat side-by-side on the roomy couch, pretending to be Marvadi's with our scarfs hanging over our heads to hide our munching mouths, while our impossibly cute girly giggles filled the mosquito cluttered air.

Sweety and I have become quite close, spending evenings bonding over kneaded roti dough or days passionately stewing over how mad crazy we make each other. After one particularly harsh day we fell asleep holding hands, forgiving each other for the days petty hostility drawn about by no more than the sweltering heat and creepy newspaper articles.

After one public run-in that began with Sweety saying, "I know your mad at me because your face has become small", we shared our first 'I love you". I was sitting in the homeopathy clinic waiting room, staring straight with my small facial expression, trying to figures out a way to appreciate Sweety's uncompromising nature, not able to realize in the moment that I am equally as head strong. Sweety was discussing me with a woman sitting next to us, telling her how I learn a few Hindi words a day. I knew from previous waiting room experience that this was my cue to show off my minimal knowledge of this complex language. Frustrated with my having to socialize, I said in a certain, particularly unenthusiastic tone, the first word that popped into my head, which happened to be my favorite Indian sweet dish. Totally taken at my sarcastic demeanor, Sweety threw her hands in the air, and while laughing at her frustration out escaped the most favored, cherished phrase, "I loveeeeeeee you!" that seemed to have shaken the walls of the clinic, and having entered into all hearts present into the waiting room it caused a certain dignity to fill the air.

Enthralled with the brazen, capricious natured of our emotional states, I cracked a smile and pinched her cheek, which is the ultimate Indian display of affection. I sat leaning into Sweety's side with my right hand in her lap, for her acupressure practicing purposes. There we waited for fifteen more minutes, Sweety pressing firmly on the center of my palm to alleviate any potential kidney damage.


Whitney said...

so sweet.

Unknown said...

you guuuuuuuuuys